
My goal has always been for patients to feel their best, in body, mind and spirit with doing our best to promote wellness and prevent illness. During your initial 90 minute appointment, a detailed health history will be taken which will allow us to come up with an individualized plan to best suit your needs. My goal is to help to realign the body’s balance, to put your health back in your control and joy back into your life. The body has an innate ability to heal itself; it just needs proper guidance. Naturopathic Doctors are board certified regulated health care providers and as I like to say "health detectives". Understanding the totality of the symptoms allows us to determine and treat with root cause of illness, without just simply addressing and treating your symptoms. ND services are not covered by OHIP, but are covered by most private insurance benefit plans. 

+ Acupuncture

A system that works both physically and energetically through the insertion of needles in specific points on the body. It has been used for centuries and works by promoting qi (energy) through the body. It can be helpful for many conditions such as pain, insomnia, infertility, labour induction, anxiety, depression, digestive issues and many more.

+ Cosmetic Acupuncture

Provides rejuvenating and anti-aging benefits such as reduced wrinkles, sagging skin, eye bags, and improved tone of the skin. The technique promotes the health of the whole person and increases your overall vitality. The treatment requires a minimum of six sessions weekly for noticeable improvement and the best clinical outcome.

+ Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

TCM is one of the oldest forms of medicine. Its process is based on thousands of years of observing the body and explains how energy flows through each of the organ systems. Its principles revolve around balancing the 'yin and yang' of the organs.

+ Cupping

A TCM technique that helps relieve pain deep in the muscles.

+ Botanical Medicine

Botanical Medicine (herbal medicine) is a powerful and gentle form of medicine. Most modern drugs are based on the medicinal action of a plant. Botanicals are used to treat the root cause of illness. They can be administered in many forms: herbal tea, powdered, tinctures, infusions or tablets. We have an herbal dispensary on site at the clinic, where we customize tinctures and teas based on patients concerns.

+ Homeopathy

These medicines are diluted plants-or mineral substances that gently stimulate the body's natural ability to heal. They work wonderfully in acute cases and with children.

+ Clinical Nutrition

A healthy body is dependent on healthy food and we believe the statement-"You are what you eat". Unhealthy food choices can make us feel unwell and could be making you sick. My goal is to figure out which foods could be contributing to your health concerns and which style of eating would work best for your system. Identifying food sensitivities and nutrient depletions are a very important part of healing and feeling your best.

+ Lifestyle Counselling

We provide support to enable patients to make healthy choices in their lives in order to build and maintain health in a holistic way. Discussing trauma and stress and how they play a role in your total health is always a huge part of the healing process.

+ Family Medicine

One of the things I love about my job is treating the whole family. Grandparents to infants.

Children's Health - I have a special focus on children's health in my practice. It is important to ensure healthy development along with excellent nutrition. In my practice, I treat acute issues as well as chronic conditions in children. I treat children with eczema, allergies, asthma, acute colds, constipation, ear infections, ADHD, lowered immune system and much more.

Women's Health- Female hormone imbalances are extremely common today. It's important to find the root cause of hormonal dysfunction. Gentle and effective therapies can be used to promote healing and restoring balance. We treat female health concerns such as PCOS, thyroid disruption, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menopause, endometriosis, menstrual pain, chronic yeast and urinary tract infections, infertility, acne and much more.

Men's Health- We support and treat male infertility, low testosterone, poor libido, prostate health and stress management.

+ Well Baby Checks

There are many milestones in the baby’s first year of life. Well Baby Checks are offered regularly during baby's early development to monitor proper growth/weight. We are here to support you and discuss your questions during the first year of your baby’s life. We will work with you as you navigate parenthood regarding food introduction, your own maternal nutrition, infant digestion concerns and so much more.

+ Fertility/Pregnancy

NDs offer a unique blend of individualized treatments to help women and men optimize their fertility. We find the root cause of infertility and treat accordingly. This usually includes diet changes, cycle regulation, hormone balancing and acupuncture. Acupuncture is very helpful to help ensure the implantation of the egg during IVF treatment.

The pregnancy support process helps women with first-trimester nausea, supporting healthy food choices and managing gestational diabetes. We work with you to support healthy labour and those first postpartum days and weeks. I have attended many births as well, so I can offer a lot of advice and support on how to make the process 'the best it can be'. :)

+ Total Body Modification (TBM)

TBM is a technique used to find the organ or area of the body that is stressed, determine the cause of the stress, and then correct the problem by restoring balance to the nervous system and therefore one’s health and well-being. This modality uses spinal assessments and muscle testing.

+ Auricular Medicine

An energetic reflex technique that uses the patient’s pulse and energetic filters to detect blockages in the body. This information is then used to help clear the blockages and restore health.

+ Rubimed Assessments

An energetic natural healing method. It addresses emotional issues, chakra blockages and how these issues are affecting a person's physical and mental health.

+ Laboratory Testing

In Office Testing

Urinalysis - urine assessment is done if needed during your appointment, to rule out urinary issues or to assess kidney function.

Urinary Indican Test - a urine test to assess gut bacteria and malabsorption.

Blood pressure monitoring General physical exam screening - completed based on your chief concerns.

Live Blood Cell Analysis - This assessment would require a separate appointment at the clinic. This amazing tool looks at your live blood cells under a microscope to determine your overall health and well being.

Zinc Tally Test - a quick tool to determine zinc status.


General Bloodwork Screening (based on patient concerns) - you will be given a requisition for bloodwork to take to Lifelabs if required for information gathering.

DUTCH Test - A comprehensive hormonal urinary metabolite breakdown test. Very fancy for- figuring out everything that is going on with your hormones with a urine test.

Cortisol Test - Saliva and/or urine test assessing the state of your adrenal glands and your level of stress. Adrenals are our stress response organs and release cortisol as needed.

IgG food Sensitivity Testing - This blood test takes the guesswork out of why certain foods bother you and why you feel the way you feel after you eat. Food sensitivities can occur up to 72 hours after consuming the food. They can be hard to pinpoint and can cause a lot of chronic health concerns, especially the foods we are eating all the time.

SIBO Test - SIBO (Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) is a breath test measuring the amount of methane (ie. gas) production. Very common tests with chronic bloating and constipation.

OAT Test -(Organic Acid test) is a urine test that offers a comprehensive metabolic snapshot of your overall health with 75 markers. It looks at intestinal yeast, bacteria, vitamin levels, oxidative stress, detox pathways and neurotransmitter levels. I often recommend this test when neurological issues are present.

Igenix Lyme Panel - US-based test for diagnosing chronic Lyme disease.

Cyrex Viral Panel - Blood test looking at chronic viruses and if those viruses are causing other symptoms. Particularly useful with autoimmune disease.

Cyrex Toxicity Panel - Blood test assessing toxic exposures (BPA, plastics, heavy metals etc)

CSA Test - Comprehensive Stool Analysis is a stool test that assesses the state of the gut flora, parasites, yeast, malabsorption, bacteria, inflammation and more.

Hair Mineral Analysis Test - This test analyzes your hair for 12 heavy metals and multiple minerals. Reveals toxicities and deficiencies.

Heavy Metal Testing - Urine or hair to assess for heavy metal toxicity.

Dr. Sarah Hawthorn ND, Co-Director of Health in Balance

Dr. Sarah Hawthorn ND, Co-Director of Health in Balance