My Loves


I am excited to work with you and share the things that make me tick, and have made the strongest impression on my life and practice.

Dr Sarah Hawthorn

Living My Best Life

I am notorious for always smiling and being a high energy β€˜yes’ person. This has served me well in the last six years and has led to a thriving practice, three amazing children and a full house renovation. I want patients to feel comfortable in my office like we are two friends just chatting about health :)

I am always striving for people to be their best selves, whether that means changing their diet, or leaving a bad relationship, changing careers, or stepping outside of their comfort zone. What are you waiting for? WE HAVE THIS ONE LIFE.


Sense of Adventure

I have always been a rebel at heart and doing things differently than most. I have been stepping out of my comfort zone ever since I can remember. Even as a kid, when everyone did 'x', I did 'y'. Most notably, I had three successful home births (one of my babies was 10 lbs), I played roller derby, and joined a rowing team when I don't know to swim (Shhh) and asked where the life jackets were on our first session :)

In 2011, I joined a group study exchange through the Rotary Club and went to Chile for two months. We were an all women team, meeting with all-male teams in Chile who didn't speak English. It was empowering, inspiring, and life-changing. Global travel opens your mind and heart more than I could have ever imagined.

Connie (my amazing osteopathic business partner) and I share the common interest of community health, global connection, and creating a stronger bond with our patients. Building a sense of community is very important to us.

Based on this ideology, we organized our first clinic trip to Nicaragua in 2016. We took 20 patients on an eco-adventure where we did yoga, meditation and community building within the village nearby. In 2018, we took another group to Nicaragua and plan on going again in 2020. On our last trip, we released sea turtles into the wild and spent a day working at the neighbouring clinic. This was by far one of the most influential days of my life. Realizing the significant difference you can make and helping people to the point of tears of happiness and gratitude, bring great joy.

Sarah Hawthorn, ND
Sarah Hawthorn, ND

Commitment to Family

When my son Seth was born, he was born with full body eczema. When you are an ND and your son is born with an eczema-your mind never stops. What did I do? What can I do? At the age of two, Seth was diagnosed with an anaphylactic egg allergy. So began my life as a fully committed allergy mom. We avoided eggs and I aggressively treated his gut and skin. I am proud to say that after one year of treatment, he was no longer allergic to eggs! To have the ability to treat others and avoid unnecessary medications-is so powerful. It made me truly appreciate all that naturopathic medicine has to offer.

One of the hardest moments of my life was when I lost my Dad. He got lost in a broken health care system and after a very short battle with liver disease, he died in 2016. My Dad was my #1 fan and my biggest supporter. Grief is so deep and it's hard to explain. Some days are easy and some days are so hard. This loss, however, has enhanced my ability to connect with people and to pain they may experience. While we can't always relate to each other, we can all connect to feelings we all know. Feeling alone in an emotion hardens the pain, but drawing on people who can support you can lift you up. Making people feel heard, in a safe place of non-judgment, is very important to me.


Dr. Sarah Gives Back

One of my greatest passions is getting kids outside and into nature. With my own family, we are outside every moment we can either biking, going for a walk, going to the park, going for a hike or just hanging out in our yard on our tree swing. Walking around in the forest provides children with an open canvas of imagination, exploration and back to a simpler time in our world before so influenced by technology. My son has attended The Guelph Outdoor School since he was four. The importance of spending days outside versus being stuck inside is paramount. He spends his days chasing animal tracks, climbing trees, building fires, learning about edible plants and just enjoying what nature has to offer.  There are an increasing number of children with diagnosed ADHD, and I often wonder about if they were playing and learning outside, what would the difference and impact be for them? Based on the benefit I have seen with my own son, in April 2019, I decided to create a scholarship fund sponsoring a pediatric patient to attend the Guelph Outdoor School in the 'Next child in the Woods' program. So far, the seven-year-old boy who was awarded this scholarship has shown great improvements. He is happier and excited about learning. Now stop reading this and go play outside :)


"Love is really the only thing we can possess, keep with us and take with us"

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross